Before leaving the Netherlands for returning to Sweden for summer, I and Remy spent a few days day-road tripping through the Netherland. Our first stop was to go hiking outside Haarlem, which surprisingly, we had not done yet, even though our first Haarlem-apartment was very close. I had already been recommended to visit Orangerie Elswout, so of course, that was on the schedule. However, me being me, I forgot to turn into the parking and we ended up in Bloemndaal aan zee. This was not too bad, as I finally got to experience the Dutch dunes. I have previously been to Zaandvort, but never actually went into the dunes. And now I even got a chance to peak into Circuit Zandvoort.
The negative part of our unplanned visit to the sandland, was that I was dressed for forests and parks. My sneakers did not enjoy the sand, as I still find sand in my shoes now and then. On our way home we did actually stop by Orangerie Eslswout, resulting in a productive day of touristing, as I managed to cross off three things on my Dutch Bucket List.
I really look forward to visiting these locations again, both for walking, enjoying nature and bringing my camera along.